ASAI is an annual event intended to be the main forum of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community in Argentina, organized by the Argentinean Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAIA). The symposium aims at providing a forum for researchers and AI community members to discuss and exchange ideas and experiences on diverse topics of AI. Submissions are invited on both applications of AI and new tools and foundations.

The XX Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI 2019) will be held during the week 16th - 20th September 2019, in Salta, Argentina, and will be hosted by the Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa). ASAI 2019 will be part of the 48th Argentine Conference on Informatics, organized by SADIO.

JAIIO is organized as a series of thematic symposia including topics such as software engineering, artificial intelligence, technology, agroinformatics, high performance computing, industrial informatics, free software, law, health, information society, bioinformatics and virtual reality, among others.

In the context of ASAI, teachers, researchers, professionals and companies are invited to contribute their research/development works in any of the available formats. Research works, new software products, case studies, transference activity reports or practical activities reports related to the symposium topics are welcome.


Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Artificial Intelligence in Data Analysis
- Clustering
- Computer Vision
- Data Mining
- Decision-Support Systems
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- Formal and Empirical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence
- Fuzzy Logic
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- Intelligent Environments
- Clustering
- Computer Vision
- Data Mining
- Decision Support Systems
- Artificial life
- Expert Systems
- Bio-inspired computing
- Automated reasoning
- Knowledge Acquisition, Representation, Management and Reasoning
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics
- Neural Networks
- Pattern Recognition
- Personalization and Recommender Systems
- Planning and Scheduling
- Robotics
- Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Big-data, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Education, Social Networks, Virtual Reality, etc.


Submission Types and Requested Formats

- Full Papers: This is the standard ASAI paper submission. Original contributions will be selected via a rigorous double-blind peer-review process (authors’ names or filiations should not be provided). These works must be not presented or under revision anywhere else. All accepted papers must be presented at the Conference and will be published in the Proceedings.  The submission of manuscripts must follow the format available here. The maximum length for a full paper is 14 pages. Best papers will be invited for publication in the Electronic Journal of SADIO.

- Short papers: up to 4 pages, describing ongoing research work. These papers will undergo a review process and those that are accepted will be presented orally during the conference and published in the JAIIO proceedings

- Communications: This is a non-standard type of ASAI contribution aimed at raising discussion on recent work. In contrast to the Proceedings track, Communications are not required to be original work. They are talks on high quality articles authored by the presenter and published in the recent past. Communications will be selected by the Program Committee based on a one-page abstract and a list of relevant papers. All accepted abstracts will be published in the Proceedings.

- Research group updates: It is aimed at strengthening the links of the local AI community by discussing about the prospects of the discipline and potentially generating partnerships for future projects. Oral presentations will be given by leaders of AI Research Groups from Argentina and the region. The talks should give a short overview of current research projects, recent scientific production, novel topics and open interests, and should be presented with a view on building bridges between research groups. Proposals will be evaluated by the Program Committee based on a one-page abstract and a list of the group recent papers in AI.

The first three submission types should be made through the SADIO's conference management system. Submissions for research group updates should be made by e-mail to [email protected].

Each accepted contribution must be presented in the symposium, and the presenter must be registered in the conference before the deadline for camera ready submissions in order to include the work in the Symposium.



- Rocío L. Cecchini (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Eduardo Xamena  (ICSOH CONICET, UNSa | DI, UNSa)


Program Committee

- Silvana Aciar (Instituto de Informática, UNSJ)

- José Aguilar (Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela)

- Enrique Marcelo Albornoz (CONICET UNL)

- Miguel Alonso (Universidade da Coruña, España)

- Laura Alonso Alemany (FaMAF, UNC)

- Carlos Areces (FaMAF, UNC)

- Juan Carlos Augusto (Middlesex University, England)


- Ana Bazzan (UFRGS, Brasil)

- Luciana Benotti (FaMAF, UNC)

- Blai Bonet (Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela)

- Carlos Brizuela (CICESE, México)

- Maximiliano Budán (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- María Laura Caliusco (CIDISI | UTN FRSF)

- Jessica Carballido (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Carlos Catania (ITIC CONICET, UNCuyo)

- Laura Cecchi (UNCOMA)

- Carlos Iván Chesñevar (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Marcos Evandro Cintra (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)

- Andrea Cohen (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Alejandro Corbellini (ISISTAN-CONICET | UNICEN)

- Omar Cortes (IFMA, Brasil)

- Jacinto Davila (Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela)

- Cristhian Ariel Deagustini (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Leandro Di Persia (CONICET, UNL)

- Elena Durán (UNSE)

- Marcelo A. Falappa (UNS)

- Diego Fernández Slezak (DC-FCEyN, UBA)

- Edgardo Ferretti (UNSL)

- Alejandro García (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Hector Geffner (ICREA | Universitat Pompeu Fabra, España)

- Matias Gerard (CONICET, UNL)


- Juan Carlos Gómez (CIFASIS | FCEIA, UNR)

- Juan Gómez Romero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España)

- Silvio Gonet (INGAR, UTN-FRSF)

- María Paula González (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Sebastián Gottifredi (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Pablo Granitto (CIFASIS, CONICET)

- María Gutierrez (UTN FRSF)

- Gabriela Henning (INTEC, UNL)

- Wagner Igarashi (UNIOESTE, Brasil)

- Mónica Larese (CIFASIS, CONICET)

- Huei Lee (Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - Unioeste, Brasil)

- Isaac Lera (UIB, España)

- Alneu Lopes (University of São Paulo, Brasil)

- Beatriz Lopez (Universitat de Girona, España)

- Ana Carolina Lorena (ABC Federal University, Brasil)

- Carlos Martín Lorenzetti (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Ana Gabriela Maguitman (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Martín Marchetta (UNCUYO)

- Luis Márquez (Universidad Nacional Abierta, Venezuela)

- Vanina Martinez (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Edson Melanda (Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brasil)

- Marcelo Mendoza (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile)

- Efrén Mezura-Montes (Veracruz University, México)

- Diego Humberto Milone (CONICET, UNL)

- Luis A. Moncayo-Martinez (Technological Institute of Saltillo, México)

- Jefferson Morais (Federal University of Para, Brasil)

- Juan Matías Novas (FaMAF, UNC)

- Haydemar Núñez (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela)

- José Eduardo Ochoa Luna (Universidad Católica San Pablo, Brasil)

- Ana Carolina Olivera (UNPa)

- Sebastián Pérez (UTN-FRM, DHARMA)

- Niriaska Perozo (UCLA, Venezuela)

- Diego Pinto (Facultad Politécnica, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay)

- Milton Pividori (CONICET, UNL)

- Eliseo Reategui (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil)

- Franklin Rivas (Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela)

- Diego Rodriguez (DI, UNSa)

- Guillermo Rodríguez (ISISTAN CONICET | UNICEN)

- Mariano Rubiolo ( CONICET, UNL | UTN-Frsf )

Sebastián Sardiña (RMIT University, Australia)

- Silvia Schiaffino (ISISTAN CONICET | UNICEN)

- Antonio Silva Sprock (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela)

- Gerardo Simari (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Guillermo Ricardo Simari (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Mauricio Solar (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile)

- Georgina Stegmayer (CONICET, UNL)

- Edson Takashi Matsubara (Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil)

- Luciano Tamargo (ICIC CONICET, UNS)

- Diego Tomassi (CONICET, UNL | UNER)

- Gustavo Vázquez (Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Uruguay)

- Pablo Verdes (CIFASIS, CONICET)

- Leandro Vignolo (CONICET, UNL)

- Cynthia Villalba (Facultad Politécnica, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay)

- Virginia Yannibeli (ISISTAN CONICET | UNICEN)

- Alejandro Zunino (ISISTAN CONICET | UNICEN)



- Elina Pacini (ITIC-UNCUYO)

- Ernesto Ocampo Edye (Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Uruguay)

- Facundo Bromberg (UTN-FRM, DHARMA)

- Flavia Bonomo (DC-FCEyN, UBA)

- Guillermo Grinblat (CIFASIS, CONICET)

- Ignacio Ponzoni (ICIC CONICET, UNS)


- Marcelo Armentano  (ISISTAN CONICET | UNICEN)

- María Laura Cobo (ICIC CONICET, UNS)



Mail: [email protected]  


Twitter: @sadio_oficial | @jaiio_oficial